Sunday, August 23, 2009
Modern Science in Everyday Hindu Life Pattern
1. Roots of ecology disaster and mechanics of harmonious living with nature as per Hindu Scriptures
We are witnessing the greatest ever technological revolution. Technology has reshaped living conditions through different kinds of technical devices. Appliances for routine day-to-day living business, communication, administration, entertainment, education, publishing, etc. have undergone total transformations. Presence of computers is being felt in different walks of life. Present day medical science has made significant advances towards the eradication of human diseases. Mapping of complete genetic code of living beings has been done. This will lead to treatment of diseases by mere gene manipulation.
The cost of these technological changes in terms of consumption of natural resources and degradation has been enormous. Man is adding, everyday, a new source of environmental pollution. (A new form of pollution was reported in world famous U. S. SCIENCE Journal. Mexico city dwellers faced a veil of brown smog. This smog caused stinging of eyes and burning sensation of the throat. For over a decade this smog was attributed to the emissions from automobiles and factories. 1t has, now, been discovered that this smog was primarily due to the leakage of the liquefied petroleum gas from tanks and cylinders. It is a common knowledge that this gas is commonly used in homes for cooking and heating)
In order to understand the cause of this horrible situation we shall have to go back to the beginnings of industrial revolution. This industrial revolution can be related to the result of one invention: the invention of the Carnot cycle of thermodynamics. 1t is not the bicycle but a theoretical sequence of events arranged in a cyclic order. The related events executed in order are: process of induction of working fluid; process of compression of working fluid; process of expansion of the working fluid; and the process of the expulsion of used working fluid. Processes of compression and expansion take place inside a hypothetical engine. During the induction process the working fluid is drawn into the cylinder from outside and during the process of exhaust the used working fluid is emptied into the “SINK”. This sink is the atmosphere. SadiCarnot, the inventor of the Carnot cycle, assumed this sink to be of infinite size. It is this sink into which all exhausts are emptied. As the industrial revolution picked up momentum, this concept of infinite sink gained universal acceptance in all techno1ogica1 deve1opments. Thereafter man started using all types of natura1 places like rivers, waste1ands, oceans and what not as infinite sink. It is on1y, now, that the man has started realizing that the assumed “INFINITE SINK” is in reality a “FINITE SINK”. It is this single concept of infinite sink that has been responsible for the pollution of our environment. With the passage of time the rate of increase of pollution has witnessed an exponential growth resulting in the present day havoc on earth.
Man possesses an insatiable desire to lead a perfectly comfortable living environment. Technology provided means to achieve this state. We have coolers and air-conditioners; heaters and heating systems; automatic kitchen appliances; furnishings for all kinds of situations and for all places; a myriad of entertainment gadgets; various communication systems; a wide variety of modes of transport; enormous variety of dwelling places with all kinds of internal amenities etc. To get these set of things, it is necessary to use natural products and to put them to various kinds of transformations. Since the requirements are enormous, therefore, the demand on natural products is also enormous. To meet these requirements natural resources have been exploited to the maximum possible extent. The result is extreme kind of shortages of natural products. This has led to the development of synthetic products. All along this process, extraordinarily large quantity of waste is being exhausted into the natural environment. The 'Infinite sink' is gradually becoming 'finite' and the effects are visible in various forms of problems being faced by man. The entire science and techno1ogica1 community of the wor1d is worried at this alarming1y deteriorating situation. The science and techno1ogy which aimed at providing comfort through the exploitation of nature will have to revise its philosophy and will have to relearn the method of harmonious living with nature. A solution to this vexed problem is available in the Hindu Darshan of harmonious 1iving with nature. One such vidya and its projections for ecological harmony is outlined below.
To ancient Indian seers there was no idle philosophy. No philosophy had any claim to recognition unless it had some bearing on life. The philosophy must provide 'Darshan' to an ordinary mortal. Students were required to chant vedic mantras daily. Seers discouraged it as a mechanical process and instead encouraged some reflection in the form of meditational upasna. One such upasna called panchagni-vidya (or the meditation on the five fires) is worth consideration in regard to achieving a harmonious living with nature. According to this PANCHAGNI-VIDYA the whole world, sentient and insentient, is considered to be a homogeneous group of factors in a cosmic sacrifice involving five successive fires arranged in the order of their subtleness. They are all knit together through a spirit of SELF SACRIF1CE, so that a new creation may emerge, new life may come into existence, at every stage. The ancients looked on all things and processes from a higher intellectual and spiritual plane. To them all things were agents in a sacrifice bringing new life into existence. IT IS THE SPIRIT OF SACRIFICE AS AN AGENT IN CREATION AND NOT AS A HOMOSAPIEN, THE ENJOYER OF NATURE which lies at the root of this panchagni vidya.
Hindus daily worship and practice harmony with the Cosmos and nature ¼izd`fr½. One such vedic mantra is given below:
¬द्यौः शान्तिरन्तरिक्षं शान्तिः पृथ्वी शान्तिरापः शान्तिरोषधयः शान्तिः।
बनस्पतयः शान्तिर्विश्वेदेवाः शान्तिर्र् ह्म शान्तिः सर्वं शान्तिः
शान्तरेव शान्तिः सा मा शान्तिरे वि ।। (यजुर्वेद अ.36, मं.17)
Above mentioned Mantra, when followed in letter and spirit will enable a pollution free world.
2. On the science of fasts
Hindu Dharma places great emphasis on the observance of fasts. 1t is required to observe fasts for any sadhna to bear fruits. This practice has been debated in different forums for finding the scientific truth behind these prescriptions. It appears that some scintillating revelations are now available with the scientists. We bring here some of the most important discoveries in this regard.
1t is a common prescription for all those who observe fast is that they must not have a high caloric diet during this period and instead should consume lots of fruits and vegetables. The rationale of this prescription has been scientifically vindicated. This prescription helps prevention of many degenerative diseases like cancer, cardio-vascular diseases, cataract and immuno dysfunction. A study in this regard was carried out by the Center for Cellular & Molecular Biology (CCMB), Hyderabad. The report gives the following findings: It has been established that all human beings have pre-cancer cells in their bodies and under suitable conditions they divide fast and establish contact with new blood vessels through which they get nourishment and grow in the form of tumors. Fasting could prevent cancers by inhibiting the growth of pre-cancer cells. Austrian scientist Gass-Karupp (1994) said that the rate of growth and division of pre-cancerous cells was minimized during fasting. A recent study made in U.S.A. shows that the consumption of adequate quantities of fruits and vegetables leads to lower risks of degenerative diseases. The folic acid present in fruits and vegetables helped in checking these disorders. Low intake of folic acid is associated with the breaking of chromosomes and increased the incidence of tumors in some cases. Dietary fiber obtained from plant food alone showed lowering of the risks of colon cancer. Cooked food also contains a wide variety of chemicals which on testing showed that they caused tumors. Animal fats and red meat might increase the risk of the cancer of the breast colon and prostrate. It has been found that high levels of homocysteine in the blood can injure blood vessels leading to heart attacks and strokes. Folic acid is shown to reduce amount of homocysteine in the blood.
3. Temporal Hindu worship and chrono-therapy
It is one of the simplest facts of life that the living body shows signs of malfunctioning through various diseases. A diseased body cannot act as a vehicle for integration with the
cosmos. It is said that शरीरमाद्यम् खलु धर्म साधनम् Our rishis evolved a methodology of keeping one’s body vehicle in a fit condition through the observance of certain temporal actions. This methodology in modern day terminology is called chrono-therapy. Before we discuss the provisions of that” great old science of India let us discuss modern variants through the terminology of chrono-biology.
The science of rhythmic temporal biological phenomenon in living being is known as chronobiology. It is related to rhythmic temporal patterns of living systems. This phenomenon has been studied for over two centuries. It has been found that various physiological activities show variations during the day time. Some of these variations are listed below:
Daily pattern of sleep and activity is one of the most obvious cyclic patterns of living. One’s pulse rate and blood pressure rise sharply early in the morning. Body temperatures rise during day time and fall off sharply at night. The secretion of countless hormones essential for the control of 1ife’s processes ebbs and flows with faithfu1 circadian regularity. The number of white blood cells in the immune system also fluctuates regularly with a normal variation of as much as 50% in a day. Why do all living organisms do virtually everything cyclically?
Daily cycles of life as well as seasonal and monthly ones arise because life evolved on this planet. The waxing and waning of light, heat and electromagnetic and gravitational forces cause rhythmic changes both in the availability of and in the physical medium in which the evolution was unfolding. It is very important to realize that the rhythmic organization of temporal processes maximizes the stability of living things and ensures that they not waste precious energy. For a stable life it is absolutely necessary that there is a continuous readjustment of internal and external dynamic requirements. This adjustment is cyclical, viz. a phase of production followed by an assessment of stability; then a mid course correction based on feedback and then a return to the beginning of the cycle. The breakdown of this cyclical temporal ordering has lethal consequences for the organism.
One of the most important practical applications of the understanding of the role of cycles in biology is the treatment of diseases. The treatment of diseases according to daily rhythms is referred to as CHRONO-THERAPY. Scientists, the world over have tried to unravel the mystery of nature with respect to temporal response of drugs in the cure of ailments. Let us consider the case of a cardiovascular disease called myocardial ischemia. It is a disease which is caused due to partial blockage of coronary arteries. It means that some part of the heart muscle does not get enough blood supply. Several large scale studies have shown that ischemia is severe during the first four to six hours after people arise in the morning than it is at other times of the day. It is mainly influenced by circadian rhythms in pulse rate, blood pressure and interactions with the nervous system controlling involuntary functions. Many studies have shown that heart attacks strike twice as often in the morning as they do during the rest of the day. The severe heart attacks also result from a lack of blood supply to the heart muscle. Blood pressure is strongly circadian. The damage of the blood vessels is caused by severe shear stresses caused by the forces exerted on them through the flow of blood cells. The most pronounced increase in shear stress takes place when one gets up in the morning. Both the shear stresses and the blood pressure are responsible for the damage of blood vessels. To-day we know that the cardiovascular diseases are amongst very important sources of premature deaths of adults. Medical experts have realized that in the morning the heart’s need of oxygen should be decreased. They have been trying to solve this problem through, the administration of different kinds of drugs.
Throughout the world, very intensive and extensive research studies are being pursued to control cardiovascular diseases. But there appears to be no stable solution. Hindu saints long back having realized the importance of the cyclical variations of various (internal and external) body functions evolved a methodology using which occurrence of these ailments could be prevented-this course of prevention is contained in the method of worship. Our saints devised a method of slowing down the pulse rate and blood pressure coupled with the control of involuntary nervous system. Our system functions through YOGIC PRACTICE and that too during very early hours of the day. This set of actions performed during the early hours of the morning, the time of most probable onset of heart attacks virtually eliminates the chances of failure of cardiovascular system and ensures longevity. Discussion on the technology of all this is not possible here. This hint is suggestive of the enormous potential available for handling various kinds of ills (physical and psychological) through the methodologies of Hindu worship.
Ancient Indian Aviation Science
Bharadwaja’s Vymanika Shastra is a part of Yantra Sarvaswa (encyclopedia on machines), authored by Rishi Bharadwaja. He belonged to both Treta and Dwapara Yugas and featured in a dynasty of preceptors, as son of Brihaspati and father of Dronacharya. In the introductory passages, the sage himself explains that this knowledge is culled out from Vedas and is being presented for the benefit of man-kind. On this treatise, Bodhananda, belonging to 10th Century, introduced commentaries. After undergoing hibernation for 10 centuries the treatise came in written form through Pandit Anekal Subbaraya Shastri between 1895 AD to 1918 AD alongwith other Bhautika Shastras. The transcripts in Sanskrit were sent to oriental research libraries in Pune and Baroda. English translation was done by Shri J R Josiar and published as Vymanika Shastra in 1973. The Hindi version called BrihadVimana Shastra was published by Dayanada Bhavan, Delhi in 1959.
Highlights of “Vymanika Shastra"
Pronouncements of Rishi Bharadwaja are in the form of 'Sutras' followed by 'Vritis' or explanatory notes from Bodhananda. It is revealing that other well known Rishis and preceptors such as Atri, Shownaka, Lallacharya, Galava, Agastya and Viswambhara etc. have also contributed through citation of principles. Principles so quoted draw references from certain topic-specific works such as Anshu Bodhini, Valmiki Ganita, Yana Bindu, Loha Kalpa, Kriya Sara, Rahasya Lahari, and over 40 such works. It appears that these reference works provided core research knowledge to applied science in Vymanika Shastra. The treatise dwells upon a number of topics related to flying machines covered in about 600 aphorisms. Leading topics of the treatise are:
1. Definition of Vimana.
2. The pilot (rahasyagnodhikari).
3. Concepts and techniques provided on board Vimana.
4. Season-specific food prescriptions for pilots.
5. Specific operational clothing for pilots.
6. Knowledge of atmosphere for pilots.
7. Function-based parts of Vimana.
8. Core metals and alloys for structural use.
9. Application-specific onboard yantras or contrivances.
10 Property-specific materials, Darapanas or mirrors( in yantras)
11. Varieties of Vimanas under Kritaka classification.
Vimana is a Sanskrit word, generically used for flying craft in modern times as well. Derived from Vimana, Vi meaning 'bird' and Mana meaning 'like', denotes a craft flying like a bird under its own volition. It underlines the fact that ancient Indians had also derived inspiration from the birds in conceiving flying craft.
Acharyas Nararayan, Lallacharya, Vishwambahara, Shownaka, quoting reference works Vyomayana Tantra, Khetayana pradeepika, Yaana Bindu give definition as flying machine moving under its own power from place to place, island to island and from one loka to another.
The point of interest to modern science is that bands of atmosphere such as troposphere, stratosphere etc., equate well with this in characteristics as well as in bandwidth. 'Valmiki ganitha' Akasha
Kalpa, Anshu Bodhinee, Soundamini Kala are references quoted by preceptors, Lallacharya, Shownaka and Dundhinatha. Deeper studies in this area of science could bring out finer resolutions in equations: The net outcome of the study is tabulated in the Table-I. '
Function Based Parts of Vimana
The Chapter on 'Parts of Vimana' strangely discusses only special parts and features meant for specific functions, locations specified for these parts or fixtures seem to have been aptly chosen. Some of the parts are yantras or contrivances, some are packages or systems. Thirty one such parts are enumerated:
Vishwakriyaadapana or Mirror of outside views
Shaktyaakarshana or energy attracting mirror
Parivesha mechanism above the hood of the Vimana
(Angopasarnhaara Yantra or folding up yantra)
Vistritakriyaa or opening out yantra.
Vyroopya darpana Padmachakramukha
Kuntinee-shakti mechanism
Pushpinee and Pinjulaa Mirrors
Naalapanchaka (or 5 pipes)
Guhaagarbha mirror yantra
Rowdree Mirror
Vaataskandh Keelaka
Shabadaakarshaka yantra
Dishaampati yantra
Solar power attractor
Apasmarra or poison gas
Sthambhana Yantra
Core Metals and Alloys
The treatise prescribes three core metals and their alloys for constructional requirements of Vim ana. Basic requirements of these materials are lightness, strength and heat absorbent/resistant. Looking at properties prescribed, they are in consonance with stipulations in modern Aeronautics.
The three core metals are: SOMAKA, SOUNDALlKA and MOURTHWIKA; the ores being obtained from specified layers of earths crust. Even ge010gical aspects relating to formation of ores, the causative factors governing the ore formation such as Temperature, Huridisy, centrifugal force of earth, pressure inside earth's crust. While these features are known in modem science, the treatise gives additional factors such as intra-planetary forces of attraction in specified ratios and the gravitational force of the center of universe. Elaborate metallurgical processes include extraction, purification, melting and mixing three core metals, alloying 16 types of alloys.Metallurgical processes explain use of varieties of crucibles, furnaces and bellows of various shapes. These supporting tools themselves reflect on the existence of a high order of material practice. Use of acids, decoctions, juices materials of organic and inorganic origins in metallurgy system needs to be
Application -Specific Yantras
By far the most high end part of the treatise Vimana Shastra is in 'Yantradhi Karanam' or chapter on contrivances. One half of the treatise dedicates to description of yantras explaining the arrangements to provide the desired effect. Many researchers have focused their study in this topic. Correct interpretation of key words in the aphorisms has led them to logical interpretations of intended functional roles. However this needs deeper study and experimentation.
Property -Specific Materials
Many unique and property specific materials typically needed for construction of yantras form interesting study for specialists of material sciences. Having many constituents in them, these materials are metallic, non-metallic, acids(Drava), glues(Lepa), Mirrors(Darpanas). The number of ingredients in these materials is even up to 20. They are of organic and inorganic nature, include pars from animals and birds, botanical plants and substances of oceanic origins. It is this aspect of natural science that has been attracted many modem scientists in the last decade. Reports received from some leading laboratories in India confirm that some of the materials, developed in their labs as per formulas given in Vimana shastra and related works Anshu Bodhinee, are unique in nature. Given a fair chance to the research activists, a new family of materials and parallel generation of material technology could evolve. With the advent of bio-metallurgy in modem science, olden metallurgical practices should get a fillip. Some of the materials already developed are:
Tamogarbha Loha
Panchadhara Loha
Arara Loha
Chumbaka Mani
Paragrendka Drava
Prakashasthanbhanabida Loha
Varieties of Vimanas
The treatise deals with four types of Viman as of Kritaha Category. In the absence of detailed descriptions, it would be a difficult exercise to understand all about them. Some of the diagrams given in the work give a rough idea even though diagrams themselves need to be reviewed. Nevertheless, a few deductions about these four aircraft are cited below:
Out of Twenty Five types listed, four Vimanas, Shakuna, Sundara, Rukma and Tripura are explained in brief.
Their constructional details include structural parts, propulsion system, on board accessories, electrical and solar energy harnessing, flying control arrangements etc.,aerodynamic streamlining of the structure appears interesting.
Special alloys like Rajaloha and Trinetra loha,in structural construction,are specified.
Propulsion energy systems include engine-driven propellers, internal combustion, jet propulsion, mercury and solar energy.
Shakuna Vimana
Apparently it is one of the early conceptions under Kritaka category.
Propeller-driven; powered by an internal combustion power plant.
Deriving its name from Shakuna (Bird), it has flapping and feathering control surfaces actuated by powered jacks.
Out of 28 parts mentioned major ones are; floor board, hollow mast, heaters, air suction pipes,steam boiler, Vidyut yantra etc.,
Sundara Vimana
Significant feature is in the jet propulsion system. A Mixture of three oils form the Energy-developing fuel.Ignition is by electric energy. High energy gases are pushed through flexible metal-impregnated fabric hoses acting as jet nozzles.
Flexible jet pies also provide directional control.Structural material specified is Raja Loha.Main parts of this vimana are - five engines, base plate, electrical generator, wind blower, heater.
Rukma Vimana
Appearance of a hover Craft
Rukma Meaning Golden, the Vimana has aesthetic Golden Appearance. Structural material is Raja Loha. Solar Energy harnessing is mentioned. Retractable landing gear is indicated. Directional control is from three rudder arrangement.
Tripura Vimana
It is a unique three-in-one concept. It can operate under water, on land and space.
Propulsion power is by solar energy.Construction material is Trinetra Loha making the Vimana an extremely light vehicle. It has three-tier construction, one for each flying application. Each tier is functionally equipped. On-board systems include yantras providing safety against air currents and radiations.
Other Aspects of Science Unraveled in Vymanika Shastra
Besides aspects of Aviation Science, Vymanica Shastra exposes several other interesting phenomenon of scientific interest.
1.Principles elucidated refer to several core text hinting that the basis of these texts was on broad based research.
2.While discussing formation of metallic ores in the earth's crust, causative factors governing ore formation are:
-Force of earth's rotation
-Temperature and humidity inside earth
-Gravitational force of earth
-Gravitational influence of other planets, stars and even the centre of the universe.
3.Material science includes substance of metallic, non-metallic, organic, Inorganic, Botanical and Herbal,Oceanic origins
4.Source-related Classification of Materials
-Artificial or Synthetic
-Soil Origin
-Aquatic Origin
-Mineral Origin
-Vegetation origin
-Vennin based
-Animal origin
-Hair Origin
-Egg born.
5.Mercury as a potent source of energy in a number of applications.
6.Use of Mirrors for Radiation Energy-Control and harnessing
7.Definite system of units of measurements existed.
Length -Vitasthi, Angula, Danda, Krosha
Weight -Mushthi, Linka, Pala
Temperature -Kakshya
Speed -Prenkhana, Linka
Time -Ghatika
Volume -Drona.
8.Description on special clothing for pilots indicates the extent of knowledge prevailing on fabric technology using silk, cotton, wool, hair, moss and leather.
9.Harnessing of energy from atmospheric source such as solar radiation, cloud energy, energy from air currents seem to be unique.
10.Principles of development of electrical energy by different means were conceived.
11.Stipulations of close melting temperatures cited in material production hint at precision in pyrometry.
12.Knowledge on high potency explosives and their detection methods indicate a different kind of warfare, akin to recent centuries.
Troposphere- High Air Density-Rekha Patha-Shaktyavarta
Stratosphere- Clear Air Turbulence-Mandal Patha-Vatavarta
Mesosphere- Extreme Cold-Kendra Patha-Shaitva Varta
Thermosphere- Extreme Hot-Sakti Patha-Gharshana Varta
Van-Allen Belt-Radiation Hazards-Kaksha Patha-Kiranavartha
(Wg.Comdr.M.P.Rao delivered a lecture in Bangalore in which he provided startling conclusions about ancient Indian aviation science.)
Vastu Shastra
A marvel of Ancient Indian Architecture can be seen in Lothal (Maharashtra).It was a city uncovered during excavations. It is dated 2400 b.c. There are ample proofs of trade with foreign lands. There was a garland of sea-ports starting from Lothal via Kanya Kumari up to Tamra-Lipti situated in Bangal (Description in PERIPLUS BOOK of first century). It is described that ships of the size of 754 ft.X 126 ft. used to sail. There was a wall of 1400 ft built for controlling sea waves at Lothal. It was so constructed that even during the period of low tide ships could directly sail right up to the port.
Marvels of temple architecture can be seen throughout the country, notable amongst them are:Konark, Elephenta caves, Lingraj temple of Bhuvaneshwar, Kharuraho temples, Girnar temples, Dilwara temples of Rajasthan, Rangapatnam temples, Rameshwaram temple, Meenakshi Devi temple, Ajanta and Ellora caves, etc. In some of the temples one can hear the musical notes of various instruments by striking at properly laid stone sculptures. Marvels of engineering structures are available in Mohan-jo-daro, Dwarika, Lothal, Kanjivaram etc.
Construction activities in ancient India used to take place in accordance with sound scientific principles. Some of the literature on this subject is available in books like Kashyap Shilpa Shastra,Vrihat Samhita of Varahmihir, Vishwakarma Vastu Shastra, Samrangan Sutradhara, Vishnu Dharmottara Purana, Aparajita Prachha, Jaya Prachha, Pramana Manjari, Maya Vaastu, Bhrigu Samhita, etc.Important Rishis(scientists) who contributed are: Bhrigu, Brihaspati,Shukra, Kashyap, Vashishtha, Agni, Maya, Vishwakarma, Varahamihir, Bhoj etc.
Science and technology of modern architecture revolves round the main idea that every piece of land designated for some building construction is an independent piece of land. The designer is required to provide all that is needed to fulfill the needs of the owner. This can be in total disregard to other considerations. Modern world is witnessing many problems due to this approach in construction. To find solution to the problems, there is a growing awareness amongst architects to look into the methodology of ancient Indian architecture, called Vaastu Shastra. It is observed that buildings/apartments with good Vaastu have healthy, happy and prosperous owners whereas places with negative Vaastu energy will have losses, ill health, ill repute, hurdles etc.
ये त्रिसप्ताः परियन्ति विश्वा रूपाणि विभ्रतः।
वाचस्पतिर्बला तेषां तन्वो अद्य दधातु मे ।।
This MANTRA from ATHERWA-VEDA is of paramount importance for understanding the Indian Architecture. This mantra is the key to the basics of ancient Indian architecture (Vaastu Shastra).
Concepts revealed have a remarkable parallel with the most modern ecological considerations and even transcend present day science in some respects so far as building design and construction are concerned. Explanation provided here is perhaps the first ever attempted. The beauty of the explanation is that it leads to automatic unfolding of the meaning of the Mantra. The rishi, the seer, writes about the secret in a highly coded way. As per this mantra there are 21(3*7=21) bio-electro-magnetic fields which are required to be balanced for happy life in a dwelling place. These fields have been named as Deva which an ordinary investigator will translate conventionally. It is not the way with Vedic mantras. Detailed explanation of this mantra will be provided on enquiry.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Indian Science of Education
Post independent India has seen many teaching schemes to handle the problems of higher education. Fact remains that the suggested solutions to our educational problems remained keyed to concepts foreign to our nation and problems remain unsolved.
To understand the status and the scenario of higher education, let us begin with certain basic questions: What is the purpose of higher education? Is it an employment guarantor? Are we to turn out slaves from the portals of our big educational institutions? Or are we here to transform the students into self-respecting citizens with enegry to make our nation great.
Purpose of education
Ultimate aim of higher education must be to awaken the VIVEKA of students for their transformation into most efficient jiva on earth. At a lower level it can be regarded as one which is meant to shape their minds to make them responsible and patriotic citizens and responsible family members. According to popular belief higher education is meant to endow one with the capabilities to capture suitable position in the employment market. This belief is corroborated by the multitude of echoes which emanate from the higher portals of administration. Obvious outcome of this attitude has been the unprecedented increase in popular aspirations from education. To meet the demands, educational institutions are being opened at a very high rate. Tremendous increase in students intake should have solved all the problems of the nation. But the result of this growth of institutions is contrary to all expectations. Even the grossest form of aspirations are not being satisfied and there is an ever growing dissatisfaction with the education. Is it a management problem ?
Management of the present day educational institutions is being handled by all types of education bodies as per the best perspectives available to them. Since the output is dependent upon the perception, therefore, diverse forms are before the nation. With the passage of time it is becoming more and more clear that something basic is lacking in our approach towards the educational affairs. In order to understand this, let us question ourselves: Are we shaping/helping shape the student inputs as per the purpose and national demands? Why is it that our academies of higher education have not been able to achieve this task efficiently ?
It is a naked fact that the establishment and operation of the present day educational institutions require enormous sums of money. In such a situation it is quite likely that the spirit of education is substituted by economic considerations. Whenever this happens, alI tools to promote the interests are used, including the students.
Students are unnecessarily loaded with tasks quite unconnected with their education. This process has been allowed to continue for quite a long time and the students are gradually turninginto persons with self-centered activities. Politicians add fuel to the fire. They use these young minds to further their political interests. We have, to-day, reached a state where the educational institutions have become dumps of dry gun-powder awaiting a small spark to explode it. This explosion, if allowed to occur, can shatter the very fabric of the nation. Shall we allow the explosion to occur? OR shall we recognize the great potential available on the campuses ready to be used for national reconstruction and national awakening ?
Special tasks for centres of higher education
Centres of higher education in our country, being at the apex of the educational system, are required to provide the educational system with its leadership. These ce:ntres are also expected to act as guardians of truth seekers of new truth, upsetters of old worn out dogmas, conservators of society’s heritage, moulders of its youth and the path finders of its future. For this, the centres of higher education require a special status of autonomy. A certain kind of autonomy is made available to these institutions through acts of parliament and legislatures. Teachers and institutions defend the autonomy as a privilege and an end in itself. Though there is a big number of teachers engaged in pure and simple individual pursuits of learning yet the overall situation bears a look of crisis.
Crisis in education
Model of education adopted in our country is a heterogeneous amalgam of different models. Paramount importance is given to the objectives of numbers and financial inputs with scant regard to the achievements of teachers. There is no compulsion for teachers to work for the fulfillment of objectives of education. Jobs and accountability have been totally delinked. These institutions of higher learning are naturally in a state of crisis. This crisis is less graphic than the other crises which are being faced, viz. political crisis, administrative crisis, environmental crisis. We must remember that the educational crisis is least graphic but most damaging.
The educational crisis also evolves from the changing global scenario with reference to the following:
1. Change( Fantastic changes in the thinking of mankind have been brought about by con-current revolutions, viz. science and technology; economics and politics; demography and social sciences).
2. Adaptation( It is not possible to have the same rate of adaptation as that of the changing scenario of events all around. As a matter of fact the adaptation rate is very slow).
3. Disparity (This lagging behind is the cause of growing disparity between educational system and its environment. Our educational institutions try to gear up to cope with the changes in science and technology).
4. Failure (Disparity leads to discontent which in turn generates protests. These protests assume different tones dependent on the type of leadership available at a particular location).
Overcoming crisis
To provide a solution to overcome the prevailing educational crisis, we must receive help from every sector of life; more money; real resources that money buys and what money alone cannot buy( e.g. ideas and courage; determination; will for self- appraisal; will for adventure, and change)
Attempts to use systems concept which has been employed successfully to handle economic and industrial problems, have not proved their worth. The reason lies in the fact that their usefulness is limited to material related areas alone. Educational systems are created for the shaping of living beings, The shapers are living beings (teachers) and the products to be shaped are also living beings. A distinct nature of this system is that no two shapers are alike and no two products to be shaped are alike. Moreover, the shapers and the products are aware of their environments for all times during which the shaping process is carried out. Hence no marketable theory of nonliving systems is applicable to this living system. Thus it is obvious that the education system is a class by itself. Such systems are living and self-aware.
A self-aware education system will have the attributes: 1. It possesses the courage to “know itself”. 2. It is objective in judging its own performance. 3. It ceaselessly examines the living testimony offered by its former students and then corrects itself before the errors harden into diehard habits. Teachers (the prime creators of knowledge and its conveyors) must ceaselessly update their knowledge and then regularly transmit it to students.
Creation & operation of self-aware system
Since the education system is living and self-aware therefore, it is necessary to have adequate provisions for making it self- regulatory. For this purpose, it is necessary for the Government to take a very bold step to change the present set up of higher education and substitute it by one in which the teachers, the creators and conveyors of knowledge, play the central role. A scheme of national educational structure, will have to be evolved. Teachers must be subject to regular assessments through academic lectures on their achievements in their campuses. The minutes of these deliveries must be made public for general assessment. The authority of the teacher must be restored and simultaneously they must be held completely responsible for any type of happenings on the campuses to which they belong.
Apparatus of the self-aware teacher
The suggested reforms in the educational system can work only when a suitable apparatus is available with the teachers. This apparatus is the inner mind( or Antahkaran) of the teacher. It has got to be developed to make it fit to accept the challenges of the rapidly changing scenario, tune themselves to the new dimensions and then transmit the light to the students.
This apparatus of the teacher manifests itself at the following four levels: Chitta, manas, buddhi and viveka.
Chitta is the place where alI the mental samskaras are stored. Active memory selects items from the store house of samskaras. It is the duty of the teacher to impart training to the mind so that this part is improved. Manas is considered to be the sixth jyanendriya. It is the function of the manas to collect the image obtained from alI the five jyanendrayias and then to translate it (the image) into a thought. Buddhi is the apparatus of thought. It regulates and organizes knowledge. Viveka enables one to obtain the inner vision of the truth.
A teacher must acquire a thorough knowledge of the methodology of the working of the mind through its four stages. Equipped so, a teacher will have the power to transmit his thoughts to the students. He will become the creator of changes. A live process of this kind, will impart life to the seeker.
Once educated awareness is bestowed on the student, then he becomes aware of his environment which in turn enables him to achieve his ultimate objective.